Also: DON'T SWITCH BACK TO UNITY WHILE YOU'RE GETTING/UPDATING FILES FROM VERSION CONTROL. This will cause major errors, as Unity starts importing and reimporting the files right away, and in the process it may create new .meta files if the correct .meta file was not yet updated.
Basic info about setting up external version control:
Some additional points:
- If you are using Unity Pro or Academic (e.g., school computers) go to project settings/editor and set asset serialization to "force text", which enables svn, git etc. to merge the files.
- However, the merging doesn't always work, and to minimize conflicts, you should avoid modifying your scene files. The way to do this is to have everything as prefabs and edit the prefabs instead of modifying the scene. This way, it's less likely that several people modify the same file.
- Enabling external version control as explained in the document above creates a .meta file for each file. Always remember to add the metafiles to your repository. The metafile contains the unique identifier (GUID) that Unity uses, e.g., when you link a prefab to a script's public GameObject property. If you don't commit a metafile to the repository, it will be regenerated on each person's machine with different GUIDs, which breaks the object linking and you get null reference errors.
- Be careful when moving and deleting assets. If you delete or move assets inside the Unity editor, svn etc. will of course bring them back when you update before committing your changes. However, once the metafiles are in use, you can safely move and delete files outside Unity as long as you move and delete the metafiles too. Unity will recognize the moved assets as the same ones based on the metafiles.
- When googling to check if there's a good tutorial or if I missed something above, I noticed there's quite a lot of "free version of Unity doesn't support version control". However, things have changed and as of version 3.5., metafiles are no longer a pro-only feature.
- The "force text" option is apparently a pro-only feature, but there are workarounds: &